Thursday, 29 April 2010

There are no dead-ends... there are difficulties, often unsurmountable but no dead-ends. Of course the price we are called to pay is what's stake every time, but sometimes 'price' is only a mental state.

All it takes is a plunge, a little push...

Monday, 26 April 2010

So it is Monday morning.... i cut myself shaving this morning, last major cut was in December 2009, day after Christmas! Typical... there is never a good time to cut yourself shaving...

But anyway enough with bodily fluids. I had the most interesting Saturday; I have been a father now for over 2.5 years HOWEVER, we never truly had a whole day together, or at least the most productive part of the day together. And it just happened on Saturday and for once I realised how blessed I am, albeit a cliche it is true. And I also realised that when BOTH parents are involved at the same time, taking care of a toddler is in fact a lot harder. One-on-one it is a different story. He was on a grand behaviour. We went to IKEA bought shelves and napkins and plastic plates and goodies from the FoodMarket. We drove around and laughed, went home and played with his new play-doh and electric make-belief drill/screwdriver... he never falls asleep with me in the afternoon so when tiredness got the better of us, we went to the car and drove some more. He was asleep in 5min. Why am I talking about all this? Well I think I want it documented... and I want to remember that that was a day to be treasured, of course he will not remember but I will. I am grateful!

And I m grateful for this week coming up because once again we are at the start of something. And I want to explore this new angle, but above all I want to write this week. Ideas are starting to overflow again, beginnings and middles are ready to be deposited on paper... and stripped, explored, altered and developed... it is time again...

Friday, 23 April 2010

"be an author, be a screenwriter"... words of wisdom and encouragement, not simple to come to fruition but nonetheless simple enough to dream about

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

24h... maybe less, 12h is all it could take to change things, moods, ideas and expectations. As we move along often we carry our wounds with a brave face, other times we simply ignore them and other time we do something about them.

New days, new goals, new wounds... and that is the way it should be. How else could we survive an ongoing avalanche of bad energy?

Monday, 19 April 2010

I hate turning up to work on a Monday morning with stubble something not quite right about it. Another morning full of tension though could only come to this... stubble.... and a foul mood to match. But alas how much fouling can our moods take? I have all this tension building up inside, outside requesting attention and thought... and resolution... and nothing is ever resolved only piled on top and on top and then some more... I am just wondering how all this will pan out in 1 year... in 2 years... how long will the lid stay on for?

I have all this conflicting emotions, anger, relief, despearation, worry all blended together and mixed.

Friday, 16 April 2010

full of surprises....

Isn't it funny how some days bring along an avalanche whilst others not even a weak stream? I guess we should not expect to lead our lives at the same pace every single day but it is easy to see why that might be appealing. A life rich in stimuli, positive stimuli that is, along with experiences, creativity and brightness is all most of us could ever wish for, even without realising it.

I think last week I felt what it feels like to have a dream come true.... i felt the stir of possibility once again after a long time, and I will not let go...

Monday, 12 April 2010

Monday, Monday.... the new week crept upon me like a slithering lizard, not that there is anything wrong with the reptiles, it just makes for an interesting metaphor. After bouts of stomach pains, family strife and general malaise the weekend ended with a 39.2 fever.. not for me but for younger members of the household. When toddlers get sick it is a frightful sight to behold, unable to help themselves and you unable to help them much either. But we shall overcome of course and I feel renewed in my quest for a new way... I am convinced that there alternatives to all this medicine we are ingesting, that there are holistic to deal with the ills in our lives and I will explore, so watch this space!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

One day at a time...

Coming back from holidays is often a chore... but getting things done is still satisfying and today things got done and that leaves a good taste; let's face it this is a rare event of late so savouring it is of the essense!

About Me

There is not much to say that is not covered in my posts... this blog was created because, well because writing has been a passion of mine and communicating is high up there on the list too...