Friday, 19 June 2009

all this and brains too...

Yes of course I have written a book! A much anticipated crime mystery (well it is hardly mysterious but there you go, I did my best at the time) written in 1997.. 12 years ago. A very interesting time indeed and one of the best times I have ever had. Researching, writing, fixing, rewriting, reading, editing... it was great.. and then somehow I forgot about it; as if the urge had been satisfied. I guess I was destined for other things but what if we really have no idea what we are destined for and we stumble from one judgement error to the next? And besides, the jury is still out on whether we can count on the existence of destiny altogether...

I had invested nothing in writing and yet at the end of the day after I had finished a chapter I could hardly believe that I had produced something, something for me to read, to share with the people around me and perhaps with the world. I never went through the 'publishing-rejection' round not sure I had the stamina for it but as one grows older, decisions and past dilemmas are reevaluated under a different prism and who knows..

But would it not be heavensent to once again wake up with that feeling? A sensation that your day will be filled with purpose, and will not just be devoted to often-futile exchanges, bill paying and commuting... think about it

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There is not much to say that is not covered in my posts... this blog was created because, well because writing has been a passion of mine and communicating is high up there on the list too...