Thursday 18 June 2009

taken for granted...

Friends are a funny human breed.. funny strange not funny ha-ha, well they can be funny ha-ha but that is not the point here. I always thought that being yourself around your friends is a given, but it actually depends (i realised) on how ugly your real self is. Yes friends accept us and can see our point of view but even friends have lines that should not be crossed and then it is time to say goodbye. Not sure if losing friends is like breaking up with lovers, but it takes a lot longer to realise and deal with the pain. So I feel l have lost at least one very close friend recently, well may be not so recently but as I said it has been a slow realisation process. I cannot help but feel guilty, whether or not I should is another story but still that's what I do when faced with such meltdowns.

So what now? The encouraging thing is that friends come in numbers, so we can find solace in the people around us, even if some come and go. New experiences and new faces can be therapeutic if therapy is indeed needed. But there is that nagging feeling...

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